Term Information

positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation
positive regulation of CD4-positive T lymphocyte differentiation, positive regulation of CD4-positive T-cell differentiation, positive regulation of CD4-positive T-lymphocyte differentiation, positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation, positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T lymphocyte differentiation, positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T-cell differentiation, positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T-lymphocyte differentiation, up regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation, up-regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation, upregulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation, positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell development, activation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation, stimulation of CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell differentiation
Alternate IDs
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation. Source: GOC:pr, ISBN:0781735149, GOC:add
Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'.
See term history for GO:0043372 at QuickGO
Comments, changes to terms, or requests for new ontology terms can be made at GO issue tracker on GitHub.

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Parents of positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation (GO:0043372)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of alpha-beta T cell differentiation (GO:0046638)
positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation [RO:0002213 relation] RO:0002213  CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation (GO:0043367)
positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell activation (GO:2000516)
positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation (GO:0043370)
Children of positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation (GO:0043372)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
positive regulation of T-helper cell differentiation (GO:0045624) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation
positive regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation (GO:0032831) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation