Term Information

positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of physiological process, up regulation of biological process, up-regulation of biological process, upregulation of biological process, activation of biological process, stimulation of biological process
Alternate IDs
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of a biological process. Biological processes are regulated by many means; examples include the control of gene expression, protein modification or interaction with a protein or substrate molecule. Source: GOC:jid, GOC:jid
See term history for GO:0048518 at QuickGO
Comments, changes to terms, or requests for new ontology terms can be made at GO issue tracker on GitHub.

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Parents of positive regulation of biological process (GO:0048518)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
positive regulation of biological process [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of biological process (GO:0050789)
positive regulation of biological process [RO:0002213 relation] RO:0002213  biological_process (GO:0008150)
Children of positive regulation of biological process (GO:0048518)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
positive regulation of action potential (GO:0045760) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of response to stimulus (GO:0048584) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of long-term synaptic depression (GO:1900454) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of cellular process (GO:0048522) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of receptor localization to synapse (GO:1902685) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of lipid localization (GO:1905954) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of establishment of RNA localization to telomere (GO:1904912) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of establishment of protein-containing complex localization to telomere (GO:1904915) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of adhesion of symbiont to host epithelial cell (GO:1905228) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of post-transcriptional gene silencing (GO:0060148) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of metabolic process (GO:0009893) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of reproductive process (GO:2000243) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of membrane depolarization (GO:1904181) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of signaling (GO:0023056) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of developmental process (GO:0051094) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of circadian rhythm (GO:0042753) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of developmental pigmentation (GO:0048087) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of hemostasis (GO:1900048) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of locomotion (GO:0040017) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of membrane hyperpolarization (GO:1902632) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of immune system process (GO:0002684) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of viral process (GO:0048524) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation by symbiont of entry into host (GO:0075294) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of cohesin unloading (GO:1905339) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of transepithelial migration of symbiont in host (GO:0140471) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential (GO:1905033) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of transport (GO:0051050) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of conjugation with cellular fusion (GO:0031139) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of growth (GO:0045927) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of formation of structure involved in a symbiotic process (GO:0044149) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of cardiac conduction (GO:1903781) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of telomerase RNA localization to Cajal body (GO:1904874) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of fibrinolysis (GO:0051919) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of kainate selective glutamate receptor signaling pathway (GO:0106428) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of short-term synaptic potentiation (GO:1905514) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of multicellular organismal process (GO:0051240) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of cellular pH reduction (GO:0032849) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process
positive regulation of asexual reproduction (GO:1903666) [is_a relation] is_a  positive regulation of biological process