A gynoecium in the early stages of development, characterized as a ridge on the abaxial surface of the floral meristem that develops from a gynoecium primordium.
Common in monocots, including species of Poaceae such as Zea mays. If you are annotating to this structure for Zea mays or other grasses, please also add an annotation to the corresponding floret type. Choose the most specific term possible from: spikelet floret (PO:0009082), ear floret (PO:0006354), lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006353), lower floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006351), upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear (PO:0006350), upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear (PO:0006352). In Zea mays, development of the gynoecium ridge of the upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear occurs via continued overgrowth of the shoot apex (which becomes the ovule primordium) by a ring of gynoecial tissue, leading to the formation of a stylar canal that is detected as a slight protuberance on the mature ovary. Early development of the gynoecium ridge of the lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear is very similar to that of the upper floret of the pedicellate spikelet of ear, except the development does not proceed beyond the early ridge stage.
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