Obsolete Term Information

obsolete induction by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway
positive regulation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, up regulation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, up-regulation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, upregulation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, activation by organism of defense-related host SA-mediated signal transduction pathway, activation by organism of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, activation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, induction by organism of defense-related host SA-mediated signal transduction pathway, induction by organism of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, positive regulation by organism of defense-related host SA-mediated signal transduction pathway, stimulation by symbiont of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, upregulation by organism of defense-related host SA-mediated signal transduction pathway, upregulation by organism of defense-related host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway, positive regulation by organism of defense-related salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathway in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction
Alternate IDs
OBSOLETE. Any process in which a symbiont activates, maintains or increases the frequency, rate or extent of host salicylic acid-mediated signal transduction pathways during the host defense response. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction. Source: GOC:mtg_pamgo_17jul06
This term was obsoleted because the process it represents it does not exist; this corresponds to a host response to a pathogenic symbiont.
See term history for GO:0052072 at QuickGO
Comments, changes to terms, or requests for new ontology terms can be made at GO issue tracker on GitHub.