Term Information

negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH
down regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH, down-regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH, downregulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH, inhibition of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH
Alternate IDs
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH. Source: GOC:TermGenie, GOC:di
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Parents of negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH (GO:1900742)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH [is_a relation] is_a  negative regulation of response to stimulus (GO:0048585)
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH [is_a relation] is_a  negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms (GO:1900429)
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH [RO:0002212 relation] RO:0002212  filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH (GO:0036177)
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH [is_a relation] is_a  regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH (GO:1900741)
Children of negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH (GO:1900742)
subject[Reorder by subject] relation[Reorder by relation] object[Reorder by object]
negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to neutral pH (GO:1900441) [is_a relation] is_a  negative regulation of filamentous growth of a population of unicellular organisms in response to pH